Jumpstart your Goals: 5 tips for reaching your goals NOW
Creating impactful goals doesn't have to hinge on the 'Big Bang' effect. In fact, it's the small, steady changes that create a ripple effect, leading to significant results. Imagine, it's mid-November now. If you start today, by the time the New Year chimes, you could be living a completely new lifestyle! Change begins today - and each step you take is a step closer towards your goals. Here are some key tips to set achievable goals.
Overcoming overspending - understanding how to stop this habit
Today, we're going to tackle an issue that most of us struggle with – overspending. It's a common problem that often leads to an unpleasant financial situation. So, let's delve into its depths, understand its roots, and learn some tips to curb it effectively.
3 investments worth making
Investing in yourself is PRICELESS and in this article, I discuss my top 3 investments that I believe are truly worth making.
Do not lend money you cannot afford to lose…
If you earn more money than your friends/family, it does not automatically mean they are entitled to a cut of your paycheck!
2 ways to save more money and save the planet
Do you want to know what is better than saving money? Saving money AND saving the planet. At the same time.
3 reasons why saving money is important
If you see yourself as a spender, my advice to you is to invest time in learning how to save… and this is how
3 top tips to help you start saving money
Whether you are just starting out with your saving journey, or have been trying to save for years but just can’t seem to get anywhere with it, then here are my top tips to use a foundation for saving your money:
Time to take control of your financial future
Money is a like a baby, it needs looking after and nurturing and feeding. It needs to be set boundaries. It needs to be told what to do and where to go.
2 questions to ask yourself when you are cutting back on your spending!
When it comes to saving, you really need to asses your finances and how you currently spend your money every month.
Demystifying Help to Buy ISA’s (no longer available)
Time to break down the jargon - what is a Help To Buy ISA?
How to know if you are wasting time
Something valuable to you, could be completely worthless and a waste to someone else. And vice versa.
3 top tips to help you save MORE money
Whatever the goal (or non-goal) is, it is easy to plateau on your financial journey and feel like you need a little extra push to stay motivated in savings and reach a higher goal.
Stop beating yourself up about your ‘money mistakes’
If you carry on hating on yourself for the mistakes you have made in the past, then you will get nowhere.
Why you should stop relying on your credit card
If you’re emergency fund IS your credit card, then you are putting yourself in a financially vulnerable situation
The pros and cons of being obsessed with saving money
I have always been a ‘saver’, it came from my money story and whilst it had some advantages, it also has its disadvantages… lets discuss
Think budgeting isn’t for you? Here is why you’re wrong
Whether you are bad or good with money; whether you have a high or low income; lots of savings or lots of debt; have a regular pay-check or are self-employed… Budgeting is for everyone.
How to budget, forecast and track your money effectively
Budgeting is about two things - the forecasting and the tracking, and both are just as important as each other.
How you MONEY MINDSET could be holding you back
Your MONEY MINDSET is your set of beliefs you have when it comes to your finances, or the thoughts you have when it comes to spending.
Top 3 rules to keep you out of unmanageable debt
So many finance books to read and so little time… I have done the reading for you, let me share all the tips with you!